Shoot Locations

Welcome to Middleton Ranch. Quilty located 1 hour from downtown Los Angeles. Our standing sets include a 1940’s Service Station, Roadside Diner, Convience Store, Modern Gas Station Awining, Vintage Junkyard, and Beautiful Vista Point. Let us provide our unique location for your next production, Photo Shoot, or private event.

About Us

We help to maximize the value for actors no matter what industry you are in

Our Mission

The Middleton Ranch initiates film projects in banking, crypto trading, security, commercial real estate, consulting, luxury items and many other industries. Our goal is to raise investments and enable partners attaining their full potential.

Our Purpose

We believe all sustainable progress is driven by people with the imagination and determination to improve their future and the futures of those around them. We empower people and organisations to realise their own vision for a better future.

Our Vision

Achieving the best for our clients and enable them to attain their true potential. We deploy technologies and integrate innovative processes to formulate sustainable solution. ICICB Group is dedicated to deliver added value solutions by integrating new technologies.


Middleton Ranch in figures
We are in a tremendous efforts to let them increase


"Worldwide presence"


Branches &
Representative offices


Sub companies in
Middleton Ranch


Working time
"Covering all time zones"


Grow per year
"Happy clients"


FILM asset
Best shots


Completed projects


FILM profit
In 2020

Our Facility

Most films are financed through a combination of investors, tax credits, grants, and other sources. This funding must be secured
(usually by film producers and sales agents) at the beginning of a motion picture's development, in order to pay
for all the costs that accrue during the making of a film

Contact Us

Need more information? We are just a ping away


Middleton Ranch

6201 Soledad Canyon Road - Acton CA 93510

Phone Number

Phone:    (661) 903-2513

Phone:    (424) 274-1103
